NLS - Diacom Training

NLS - Diacom Training

Course Summary

Diacom USA, since 2005 has been developing Computer software and hardware for the use in measuring the frequency of energy emitted by the human body; Our first device written by Ulysses Angulo, President of Diacom USA and is still available today with an upgraded hardware a brand new name: Biostar-VOX - this low cost device has helped hundreds of people around the world.

Biostar Organix Healthcare Association was established in 2009, as has grown to have international offices in Los Angeles, California USA, Prague, Czech Republic, EU and St. Petersburg, Russia.

Our Member Support Staff are Naturopathic Doctors, Health Professionals, and Technology Experts from around the world having a combined experience like no other company.

Our company mission is to be the one-stop-source for best health research and technology. Providing the members the safety and transparency to compare, buy and use alternative health technologies not widely accepted in conventional industries.

Biostar-NLS devices are produced in Los Angeles, California by Biostar Technology International, LLC  a USA based company.

Bio-resonance has more than three decades of research and has a solid future in healthcare, now as a flourishing global community of practitioners, Biostar NLS Technology leads the world in bioresonance technology and informational medicine.

Biostar NLS Technology provides a complete healthcare system that restores health at its source. By looking at the physics underlying the biochemical nature of the body, we can now analyze and correct the body's bio-field and information, which, after more than 30 years of scientific research, has been shown to be the master control system for the body's health and functioning.

We approach health from the key perspective that energy and information control biology.

Frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that operates in the physical body at the sub-cellular level. At Biostar NLS Technology, we call this the human body-field, and we have researched its functions and structures for more than 30 years.

In that time we have discovered that the root cause of physical problems and deteriorating health stems from distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control system for all physiological function.

Our NLS Technology System, comprising our full suite of solutions - Biostar—NLS, Biostar-VOX, Biostar-LUX, BioNutritionals and SoundBiotics identify and correct these distortions, so the body-field and body can more easily and naturally return to optimum function.Practitioner Experience Team
Diacom-USA is our award-winning internationally renowned Practitioner Experience Team, and is here to help with all aspects of support, including training, technical, and order support. Everyone at Diacom-USA is committed to delivering the very best in practitioner support, and services. From our Logistics Team to our Clinical Trainers, we continue to train everyone to deliver excellent, timely service.

Course Curriculum

Biostar Technology

Biostar Technology International, LLC, manufactures and develops hardware and software to scan the vibrations of all living biological systems. Biostar is the only company that owns the Copyrights and Trademarks to many innovative works like Vector Expert or Biostar Veritas. Its mainstream professional device is a biofeedback device called Biostar-NLS, which uses an electromagnetic noise generating field to detect the various frequencies of the human body. The latest device offered by Biostar Technology is the Biostar-Q, based on the MARS III hardware made by Bruce Copen Laboratories in Germany, a pioneer company with 70+ years of experience in the field of radionics and bio-resonance technology.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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